I guess the first major update is that the film is no longer going to be called Shiva. B.A. and I will get back to you when we figure out what to name it.
Casting is well underway, and we have been blessed with many great potential candidates to fill out our cast. It's always exciting to see the characters that are on paper come alive in a living breathing person before your eyes.
Casting at CAZT in Hollywood
As a director, going to castings has been enormously helpful in becoming that much clearer about the characters of this story. So many talented actors and actresses have brought in such a variety of emotion and interpretation that it brings tears to my eyes. I love it when I'm in a session, talking about the character with someone, and then a light bulb goes off in my head. It's one of those moments of pure inspiration and such a rush!
Location scouting has also begun in earnest. I can't wait to start posting some pics up here. In the meantime, stay tuned for more developments on not-Shiva.